Following the Leaders: The Leadership Southern Indiana Podcast
What does leadership in southern Indiana look like? Join host Jesse Rasmussen as he tries to answer that question by speaking with Leadership Southern Indiana members about their leadership journeys.
Following the Leaders: The Leadership Southern Indiana Podcast
Following the Leaders: Cory Cochran
This month Jesse Rasmussen talks with Cory Cochran Executive Director of the River Hills Economic Development District. They discuss Cory's early aspirations for leadership (possible Presidential aspirations), family, and how the work place culture that he created at River Hills. Cory is a FOCUS and DISCOVER (Class of 2019) Graduate.
More info on the River Hills Economic Development District Planning Commission: http://riverhills.cc/
If you are a Leadership Southern Indiana Member and would like to be featured on the show, simply email us at Info@leadershipsi.org.
If you would like to know more about Leadership Southern Indiana and what we do please check us out https://leadershipsi.org/